Pope Francis
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Chile: Pope Francis Visits Latin America and Faces Unexpected Hostile Environment
SANTIAGO, Chile (ViaNews) – Monday, Pope Francis arrived at night to Santiago de Chile for a three-day state visit, amidst unprecedented protests and incidents. Upon his arrival, incidents were registered in small Parishes and would continue during his visit to the country. The outgoing president, Michelle Bachelet, headed the welcoming ceremony to Pope Francis in…

Rohingya Issue Dominated Pope’s Asia Visits, but There’s Significance Beyond Rohingya Angle
Dhaka, Bangladesh (ViaNews) – Pope Francis concluded his visit to Asia on Saturday as he headed to the Vatican with a flight from Biman, the flagship Bangladeshi airline. Though the desperate plight of the Rohingya refugees has dominated Pope’s landmark visits to both Bangladesh and Myanmar, the visits carry significance beyond the Rohingya angle. During…