
The United Kingdom is to Have its Second Female Prime Minister

Theresa May

It’s a historic moment. 26 years later, a woman will be moving into 10 Downing Street again. Last time it happened was when Margaret Thatcher took office as Prime Minister from 1979 to 1990. The “Iron Lady” was also the Leader of the Conservative Party from 1975 to 1990.

After the Referendum result and Mr. Cameron’s decision to resign, it’s now up to the Conservative Party to vote the next Prime Minister that should take up office by September 9.

The decision is to be reached with Conservatives MPs casting their votes over three ballots. In the first round of voting, Liam Fox came last and got himself eliminated. Theresa May won 165 votes, Andrea Leadsom won 66 and Michael Gove was third on 48 votes.

In the second round, Theresa May won 199 votes, Andrea Leadsom 84, and Michael Gove has been eliminated from the final round with 46 votes.

Left standing for the last round are Theresa May and Andrea Leadsom. The next British Prime Minister will be resulting from a female-only race.

In her speech, after the second ballot results, Theresa May said: “this vote shows that the conservative party can come together, and under my leadership, it will.”

“I’m delighted to have won so much support from my colleagues. I won votes from conservative MPs from across the party, left and right, leavers and remainers, MP’s from the length and breadth of the country. This vote shows that the conservative party can come together, and under my leadership, it will.”

Theresa May speech after the second ballot result.

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