European Parliament in Strasbourg, Belgium. Photo by: David Iliff.

EU anti-corruption: Conflicts of interest among MEPs earning $41 million in outside income

BRUSSELS, Belgium (ViaNews) – Released in Brussels a report showing how in the current EU mandate, Members of Parliament (MEPs) have earned up to 41 million € in outside income. With some MEPs running up to 16 outside activities, many of which are undefined, questions regarding conflicts of interest and ethics risks arise. Regular lobby…

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Nigel Farage at the EU parliament.

Nigel Farage: “I Hope This is Last Time I’ll be Speaking in This Parliament From a Member State”

Nigel Farage delivered his final speech to EU officials before the Britain’s historic referendum for the EU membership. The Ukip leader condemned the EU “big, grand projects” which “are sowing the seeds” to “the end of this political project”. In the European Parliament in Strasbourg, Mr. Farage stated his hope for the ”end to this…

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