United Kingdom and Euro flag.

German Woes and British Hopes for Brexit: Coverage in British and German Newspapers

The Daily Mail praised it as a “historic” referendum, which frees “Britain from the chains that have bound us to an unelected, unaccountable Brussels for 45 years”, in February of this year. Allister Heath, from The Telegraph, in turn, called on the British government to “believe passionately” in Brexit, saying that the “Battle for Brexit…

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Police perimeter in "Las Ramblas", Barcelona. Photo by: Evan McCaffrey.

Barcelona Terror Attack

Live Updates 2017-07-18 04:02 GMT A second vehicle attack to the one in Barcelona took place in the coastal town of Cambrils, south of Barcelona. A car hit pedestrians near the port area. Some pedestrians and a police officer were injured. The attackers exited the car and were shot by police as they attempted to…

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Manchester Police Confirmed Fatalities After an Explosion at Ariana Grande Concert in U.K.

Police in Manchester has responded to reports of an “explosion” at the city’s arena. Greater Manchester police warned people to stay away from Manchester Arena after reporting fatalities in an “incident” at around 10:35PM. According to SKY correspondent Mark White, in statements to SKY News, this a “significant incident” and nothing yet points out to…

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Portuguese new legislation for short term property rentals.

Portugal Issues new Legislation to Regulate Airbnb and Booking.com Advertized Properties

More rigorous legislation was approved in Portugal to regulate short-term rental properties. From July 1, 2017, properties posted on Airbnb, Booking, Homeaway and other platforms will need to be enrolled on the national tourism register. To be allowed to advertise on such platforms, property owners will have to fill in a required field with the…

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