Photo by Ali Yahya on Unsplash

Is Distributed Teams the Future of Work?

The last three months of the COVID-19 crisis have resulted in the biggest remote work experiment that Landing.Jobs, a Lisbon-based tech company, has ever experienced. Landing.Jobs is a candidate-driven marketplace dedicated to matching the best tech professionals to the best companies all around Europe. The COVID-19 crisis has changed the way people work, forcing some…

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Pedro Oliveira, co-founder of Landing.Jobs says coworking spaces need to operate from more distributed locations. (Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash)

COVID-19 Raises Need for More Distributed Coworking Spaces: Landing.Jobs Co-Founder

Telework and working in distributed teams are becoming a standard for many companies due to COVID-19 and may become even more commonplace after the pandemic passes. The new reality of the world has upended the status quo for lots of players in the remote work industry, including coworking spaces, and they have to reinvent themselves…

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Pedro Oliveira, co-founder of (Photo by Via News)

Distributed Teams Feasible, Need to Invest in Upskilling Low-Skilled Workers

The COVID-19 experience, which forced teams worldwide to work from home, proved that having distributed teams involving high-skilled workers is totally feasible, says an entrepreneur. In an interview with Via News, Pedro Oliveira, co-founder of, also said the parties concerned, including governments, have to invest more in reskilling and upskilling low-skilled workers to help…

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Pedro Oliveira, co-founder of (Photo by Via News)

Remote Work Is Not Only for Crisis Situations: Co-Founder of Landing.Jobs

It is wrong to assume that remote work should be incorporated into company strategy only in crises, says an entrepreneur, who believes that a work-from-home policy should become an integral part of businesses regardless of the situation. In comments to Via News, Pedro Oliveira, co-founder of, said the fact that the coronavirus outbreak triggered a…

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