Manufacturers Turn to Artificial intelligence to Counter Smartphone Saturation

Girl with smartphone. Photo by: Susanne Nilsson.

Smartphone saturation is one of the biggest headwind facing handset manufacturers around the world. Simply put, everyone who wants a smartphone has one. For that reason, manufacturers must differentiate their products and give consumers a reason to invest in new smartphones. increasedSmartphone saturation is one of the biggest headwind facing handset manufacturers around the world. Simply put, everyone who wants a smartphone has one. For that reason, manufacturers must differentiate their products and give consumers a reason to invest in new smartphones.

Artificial intelligence in mobile technology has since emerged as a battleground that manufacturers are using to differentiate their products.

Smartphones are being revolutionized by heaps of new features and capabilities thanks to the use of artificial intelligence technology. AI-powered chatbots, as well as augmented reality, are some of the features that handset makers are using to accrue a competitive edge.

Artificial intelligence is at the center of mobile app development as handset manufacturers seek to address customer demand for prompt as well as real-time access to data and content. It thus does not come as a surprise that the global market value for artificial intelligence is poised to hit highs of $89 billion by 2025.

AI integration in smartphones is gathering pace as manufacturers seek to make it easy for users to collect, store, and process data. The technology is also finding great use in personalizing user experience. Below are some of the ways that artificial intelligence is transforming mobile technology.

Enhanced Search Engines Capabilities

Unlike in the past when search engines only accepted text searches, artificial intelligence is making it possible for people to search using images as well as voice. Developers are increasingly coming up with image and voice recognition system thanks to the integration of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning in mobile apps.

The use of AI to power search engines has gone a long way in enhancing conversion rates when it comes to search results.

Artificial intelligence driving personalization

Personalization online continues to inch a notch higher each day. The searching for items online as well as where people click or TV shows to watch has been personalized thanks to artificial intelligence. eBay or Amazon is likely to recommend products based on one’s likes and preference while Netflix is likely to recommend a show that would perfectly fit one’s taste thanks to AI personalization.

Mobile app personalization will in the future, involve many variables based on data captured with increased usage of smartphones.

Language Translation and Camera Subject Detection

Artificial intelligence in mobile technology is helping transform how language translations take place. AI integration in smartphones has also made it possible to translate languages in real-time without the need of internet connection, as is the case with most translation apps.

In addition to enhancing language translation, AI has made it possible for the interface of smartphone cameras to detect objects easily. By pointing smartphone cameras, people can now detect with ease food as well as landscapes among other objects.

Face Detection and Voice Recognition

Artificial Intelligence is also transforming mobile app development by enhancing face detection. AI-powered devices can now recognize faces with 98% accuracy. Companies are increasingly using AI technology not only to identify and detect objects but also present functions in different frames.

The use of technology in mobile apps has also made it possible for people to carry out search engine searches using voice as well as images. Businesses are consequently integrating voice recognition and app localization to enhance user experience and increase conversion rate.

Mobile industry ROI increases with AI

The personalized user experience should be the order of the day thanks to the integration of artificial intelligence in mobile technology going forward.

The use of AI in mobile development should result in a big leap in the mobile economy as businesses look to take advantage of this to increase their return on investments.

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