Sutton Grammar School. Lower school pupils. Photo by: Grempletonian.

Britain’s Grammar Schools Exclude Struggling Students to Maintain Their League Table Position

London, UK (ViaNews) – Highly selective schools are failing to take responsibility when pupils fail to meet their potential by excluding them from A level courses. Some of Britain’s Grammar Schools are coming under fire for removing pupils from exam studies when their progress indicates that they may not attain grades considered appropriate for a…

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New York protest "Holding hands for Catalan independence". Photo by: Liz Castro.

Europe’s Separatist Movements: What Brings Them Together and What Holds Them Apart – Spain, Scotland, Italy, and Belgium

LONDON (ViaNews) – “The Catalan crisis poses a threat to the European order” warned the Financial Times on October 6, following the state’s independence referendum a few days before. 3 years ago it was the Scottish vote which cast doubt and worry for many in the continent, with former leader of the Scottish National Party,…

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Founder of JustEnjoy, Luis Caixado, at the Web Summit.

JustEnjoy’s Co-Founder Talks About Relation Between His Tourism-Related Startup and Canopy Lisbon

At the Web Summit, we met with the founder of JustEnjoy, Luis Caixado. He’s also Community Manager at the coworking and incubation community for entrepreneurs, Canopy Lisbon. Luis Caixado explained how he’s now working together with the US-based company, Canopy, to help companies and entrepreneurs thrive. Founder of JustEnjoy, Luis Caixado, interview. Miguel Salvado: Hello,…

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Anthony Zador interview at the Web Summit.

Leading Neuroscientist Explains Where Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience Meet, and Dangers Ahead

MADRID (ViaNews) – Anthony Zador is Chair in Neuroscience and Professor of Biology at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, wherein 1953, Watson made the first public presentation of DNA’s double-helix structure. Mr. Zador went to this year’s edition of the Web Summit to talk about “Using Artificial Intelligence for good”. He believes AI is “going…

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Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, at the Web Summit. Photo by: Miguel Salvado.

Web Summit: UN Chief Guterres Appealed to “a Serious Discussion on Impacts of Fourth Industrial Revolution”

Antonio Guterres’ speech at the Web Summit was about unity. Guterres’ intentions were clear, he wants to bring all the main political, business, and technology players together for the “common good of the societies of tomorrow”. Following the same line, just a few minutes earlier in the same auditorium, the CEO of Web Summit, Paddy…

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Zeynep Tufekci. Photo by: J.D. Lasica.

Techno-Sociologist Zeynep Tufekci: Problem Is “How People in Power Will Use AI to Control and Manipulate”.

ANKARA, Turkey (ViaNews) – Zeynep Tufekci is a Turkish writer and a self-described “Techno-sociologist” writing about the influence of technology on politics and society. In April this year, the Yale University Press published her book entitled: Twitter and Tear Gas: The Power and Fragility of Networked Protest. She describes the book as a “quasi-historical account…

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BBC Television Centre. Photo by: Mike Fleming.

BBC Must Adapt to Thrive

London, UK (VIAnews) – The future of BBC programming is becoming increasingly uncertain as viewers change their watching habits in the light of increases for on-demand programming. Tony Hall, the Head of the BBC, spoke in Liverpool highlighting the way the industry is moving, with more and more investment in US-based programmes, and ever less…

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