Ex-Goldman Sachs Reveals Insights About the Mobility Industry!

João Félix, CEO of Mobiag, talks about his experiences, journey, work environment, responsibilities, being a part of Startup Lisboa, how Mobiag was formed, the idea behind it, car sharing services, how recessions are good in a way and more!

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Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

Shared Mobility Poised to Make a Comeback After COVID-19

The shared mobility industry has very quickly lost both passengers and profits as a result of the coronavirus outbreak but it can make a strong comeback with the right strategies, says McKinsey & Company.   “Consumers are indeed wary of shared mobility, given the risk of viral infection, and mobility-service providers (MSPs) must take decisive…

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Rob Kramer, co-founder at eParkio, says the COVID-19 crisis will lead to the death of zombie companies. (Photo credit: eParkio)

Coronavirus Pandemic Will Weed Out Many Zombie Companies: eParkio Co-Founder

For years, experts have been warning that the increasing number of companies relying on debt to stay afloat poses a serious threat to the global economy.  Most economists agree that the proliferation of these “zombie” firms, which are basically on life support, makes it more difficult for profitable companies to grow as they drain capital…

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