Photo by Sunyu Kim on Unsplash

7 Consumer Behavior Trends Emerging From COVID-19

With the economy expected to remain on rocky footing potentially beyond 2020 and COVID-19 quarantines and lockdowns ebbing and flowing on a rolling basis, new trends in consumer sentiment and behaviors are emerging globally. According to a new Future Consumer Index published by Ernst & Young, 42% of surveyed consumers believe that their shopping habits…

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Elena Jin, TAIGER's marketing manager for Latin America and Europe (Photo credit: TAIGER)

COVID-19: A Pivotal Moment for Future of AI

The coronavirus pandemic is accelerating the need for artificial intelligence solutions as the technology can help businesses run more nimbly and reliably, says a marketing manager at TAIGER, one of Asia’s fastest-growing AI companies. “Big companies are realizing that AI technologies can make them more flexible to adapt better to changes like the ones brought…

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Pedro Oliveira, co-founder of Landing.Jobs says coworking spaces need to operate from more distributed locations. (Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash)

COVID-19 Raises Need for More Distributed Coworking Spaces: Landing.Jobs Co-Founder

Telework and working in distributed teams are becoming a standard for many companies due to COVID-19 and may become even more commonplace after the pandemic passes. The new reality of the world has upended the status quo for lots of players in the remote work industry, including coworking spaces, and they have to reinvent themselves…

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Pedro Oliveira, co-founder of (Photo by Via News)

Distributed Teams Feasible, Need to Invest in Upskilling Low-Skilled Workers

The COVID-19 experience, which forced teams worldwide to work from home, proved that having distributed teams involving high-skilled workers is totally feasible, says an entrepreneur. In an interview with Via News, Pedro Oliveira, co-founder of, also said the parties concerned, including governments, have to invest more in reskilling and upskilling low-skilled workers to help…

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Rob Kramer, co-founder and CEO at eParkio, says mentors can help startup founders survive the COVID-19 pandemic. (Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash)

Mentors Can Steer Startups Through COVID-19 Pandemic: eParkio CEO

Startup founders have differing views about enlisting the help of mentors. While some entrepreneurs regard mentoring as a vital protective business tool, another group of them pride themselves on not needing external advice and encouragement. Rob Kramer, co-founder and CEO at eParkio, is one of those individuals that believe consulting experts who provide technical and…

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Rob Kramer, co-founder at eParkio, says the COVID-19 crisis will lead to the death of zombie companies. (Photo credit: eParkio)

Coronavirus Pandemic Will Weed Out Many Zombie Companies: eParkio Co-Founder

For years, experts have been warning that the increasing number of companies relying on debt to stay afloat poses a serious threat to the global economy.  Most economists agree that the proliferation of these “zombie” firms, which are basically on life support, makes it more difficult for profitable companies to grow as they drain capital…

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(Photo credit: Lorenzo Cafaro from Pixabay)

Current Low Valuations Offer Great Opportunity for Investors: NomadX Chairman

The lower valuations caused by the economic uncertainty gripping the world provide a great opportunity for investors, says a serial digital entrepreneur. “The economic fallout of what’s happened is just starting to be realized. At the moment, a lot of the investors are sitting on the sidelines, yet some are taking advantage of investment opportunities,”…

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David Nicol Williams, co-founder, chairman and CEO of NomadX (Photo credit: Via News)

Digital Nomadism to Flourish in Post-Coronavirus Era: NomadX CEO

Border closures and flight restrictions put in place to slow the spread of the coronavirus have dampened the mood of millions of travel enthusiasts around the world. But the abrupt change from globe-trotting to quarantine has affected one group in particular whose lifestyle revolves around being on the move: digital nomads. The short-term impact of…

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Amir Bozorgzadeh, Virtuleap's co-founder and CEO (Photo source: Amir Bozorgzadeh's LinkedIn page)

Coronavirus Made Startups Get Real About Their Business Models: Virtuleap’s CEO

As the world is reeling from the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic, many startups are taking a not-so-pleasant or even painful walk down memory lane to see what went wrong. The bitter truth is that the unprecedented health crisis has shattered the dreams of countless founders into a thousand pieces, especially those who had…

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