South Sudan girls collected water from a recently opened borehole. Water that, if contaminated, may pose a serious health threat. Photo by: Arsenie Coseac.

South Sudan Government Confirms Widespread Oil-caused Environmental Catastrophe

MUNICH, Germany (ViaNews) – In May 2018, the United Nation‘s Environment Programme published the South Sudan‘s First State of Environment Report and Outlook. From literally its first page on, the report details what such environmental and human rights organizations as Germany‘s Sign of Hope have been saying for many years. The ruthless and reckless practices…

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Russia World Cup fan kissing Russian girl.

World Cup 2018: Russian Women are Being Bullied for Getting too Friendly With Foreigners

Moskow, Russia (ViaNews) – Russian women are being accused of disregarding Russian men and “sell themselves” to foreigners. Online haters have been launching bullying campaigns in the social media. They search for photos of Russian women with men from other countries, post them on social media pages, and then write demeaning comments and messages to…

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European Parliament in Strasbourg, Belgium. Photo by: David Iliff.

EU anti-corruption: Conflicts of interest among MEPs earning $41 million in outside income

BRUSSELS, Belgium (ViaNews) – Released in Brussels a report showing how in the current EU mandate, Members of Parliament (MEPs) have earned up to 41 million € in outside income. With some MEPs running up to 16 outside activities, many of which are undefined, questions regarding conflicts of interest and ethics risks arise. Regular lobby…

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South Sudan oil workers attempting to contain the spill. Photo by: Nile Institute of Environmental Health.

South Sudan Oil Contamination: “Among Highest in the World,” Study Finds

MUNICH, Germany (ViaNews) – Professor Fritz Pragst of Berlin’s Institute for Forensic Medicine is one of the leading forensic toxicologists in the world. Read: Briefing on Big Oil’s Contamination of South Sudan Professor Pragst headed a team of scientists that produced in 2017 the definitive study on the levels of lead, barium and other health-endangering…

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