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Argentina Bangladesh Belgium Brazil Colombia China Dominican Republic Egypt Equador Ethiopia Haiti Panama Philippines France Georgia Germany Greece India Indonesia Israel Italy Kenya North korea Myanmar Nigeria Norway Pakistan Portugal Romania Russia Rwanda Saudi Arabia Scotland Serbia South Africa Spain South Sudan Switzerland Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom United States of America Uruguay Venezuela

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Construction site in Indonesia.

Papua Shooting: When Infrastructure is not an Answer to the Province’s Complicated Problems

JAYAPURA, Indonesia (ViaNews) – As of Sunday (December 9), as many as 17 bodies of construction firm PT Istaka Karya workers found in Mount Kabo, Kali Yigi-Kali Aurak, Yigi District, Nduga Regency, Papua were evacuated to Timika. The evacuation process which took place at Mount Kabo, where the company’s employees were executed, was blocked by…

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The Speaker of the National Assembly of Mozambique, Hon. Veronica Nataniel Macamo Dlhovo (standing) speaks after being elected unopposed as President of SADC PF. The Speaker of the National Assembly of Eswatini, Hon Petros Mavimbela was also elected unopposed. Vice President of SADC PF (left) and Acting Secretary General of the SADC PF listen in during the 44th Plenary Assembly Session in Maputo, Mozambique. Photo: Moses Magadza/SADC PF

Mozambique Assumes SADC PF Presidency

MAPUTO (ViaNews) – The Speaker of the National Assembly of Mozambique, Hon. Veronica Nataniel Macamo Dlhovo, and the Speaker of the National Assembly of Eswatini, Hon Petros Mavimbela, were elected unopposed as President and Vice President of the SADC PF (Southern African Development Community Parliamentary Forum), respectively, last week. The two lawmakers were elected at…

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WIki Loves Women Event Women In Social Services- Promoting SDG in Nigeria. Photo by Kaizenify.

Social Media is Transforming the Way Nigerians do Business

LAGOS, Nigeria (ViaNews) – Nigerians have gone full-on in what using social networks for business is about. Most businesses, entrepreneurs, and salesperson in the country are now using Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Google, and YouTube to help create brand awareness, improve sales, and market their goods and services. 17 years of GSM technology in Nigeria The…

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Luis Caixado, Innovation and Entrepreneurship at GesEntrepreneur. Photo by Via News.

What’s Being Done for Young Entrepreneurs in Portugal: Interview With JustEnjoy’s Co-Founder

Luis Caixado founded JustEnjoy, a startup looking to deliver memorable moments for families during their holidays. Today, he’s focused on teaching and helping young entrepreneurs to become a better version of themselves. We met with Luis at Web Summit to understand what is being done for young entrepreneurs in Portugal. Miguel Salvado: We have a…

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Nairobi's skyline from Uhuru Park, next to the central business district of Nairobi, Kenya. Photo by Jorge Láscar.

Nairobi Central Business District: County Government Rescinds Decision on Decongestion Following Public Outcry

NAIROBI, Kenya (ViaNews) – The Nairobi City County government has suspended its move to decongest the Central Business District (CBD) by banning of Public Service Vehicles off the area. This followed a directive by the Nairobi Governor, Mike Sinko. A notice was given by Nairobi County secretary Pauline Kahiga in accordance with the 12th May…

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Amalia Ribi Forclaz at the Graduate Institute Geneva talk about "Crisis and conflict in Agriculture". Photo by Kimberley Evans.

Farming for Freedom

GENEVA, Switzerland (ViaNews) – Conflict takes on many shapes. In our current global situation, we are seeing more crisis and conflict sprouting. As the media, academia, and NGOs, we mostly focus on the human dimensions of conflict – the loss of lives, the violence, and the politics – and the agricultural dimensions often go ignored….

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