
Dominican Republic Reaction to the UN Pact on Migration

United Nations in New York. Photo by: Javier Carbajal.

SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic (ViaNews) – On December 11 and 12, 2018, a UN conference was convened in Marrakesh to sign the protocol for a global pact aimed at strengthening the bases for migration as a global phenomenon. According to the UN, this pact is about “taking advantage of the benefits of migration and protecting undocumented immigrants.”

The “Global Compact for Safe, Ordered and Regular Migration” is an intergovernmentally negotiated agreement signed by all member countries of the UN, except the United States of America.

The following countries rejected the agreement: Dominican Republic, Israel, United States, Italy, Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria, Austria, Estonia, Chile, and Australia.

Reactions to the UN pact on migration

The local representative in the Dominican Republic for migrations, Mr. Jorge Baca, lamented the decision of the Dominican government not to sign the pact for migrations, alleging that the pact was not studied in depth by political parties or citizens. He added that: “in the Dominican Republic erroneous conclusions were made because it was not studied by all the parties and conclusions were reached that are, in our opinion, outside the spirit of the Pact.”

Baca stressed that: “within the document, it is clear that sovereignty is not questioned and is not binding because it makes clear that States have the sovereign right to define their migration policy.”

He further stated that:” upon signing the Pact, the country would have been awarded a medal for the progress that the Dominican Republic has made with regard to the Regularization Plan and other migratory initiatives, which within the Pact can be presented as steps to be implemented in other places. “

In addition, Mr. Lorenzo Jiménez de Luís, Resident Coordinator of the United Nations System and Resident Representative of UNDP, stated that: “in the area, and apart from the United States, only the Dominican Republic has rejected the Covenant, but that there will be no legal consequences. for that action.”

Business and politic leaders react to the government’s decision

Both the opposition and the ruling party agree to approve the government’s decision not to approve the migratory pact.

The president of the Christian Social Reformist Party (PRSC), Federico Antún Batlle, assured that the government “did the right thing when they rejected the pact”.

“We are deeply satisfied with your decision, which additionally has brought calm and peace to all Dominicans. Congratulations! The president heard the voice of the people, “he proclaimed.

The general secretary of the Dominican Revolutionary Party (PRD), Tony Peña Guaba, expressed that: “The people spoke and expressed themselves and the Dominican government listened and acted in line with the national interest. So we all agree and congratulate the people for defending our sovereignty. The Dominican Republic is a sovereign country.”

Max Puig, president of the Alliance for Democracy (APD), said that what has happened in our country in relation to the Migration Pact “obeys the’ fake news’ pattern since obviously false information about this has been made viral”.

The president of the Christian Democratic Party Quisqueyano (PQDC), Elias Wessin Chávez, said that the non-signing of the pact satisfies the country. He estimated that: “there was only one reason and a very powerful one, that 95% of the citizens did not think about ideology but rather that we’re Dominicans. It was a single cry. The remaining 5% people are the usual traitors.”

The general secretary of the National Progressive Force (FNP), José Ricardo Taveras, maintained that: “it was correct and prudent to reject the migratory pact”.

Also, the president of the Democratic Social Revolutionary Party (PRSD), Luis Miguel De Camps, welcomed the decision because it’s a step in the right direction, but added that: “it must go further.”

He added: “We urge the government to assume its responsibility in carrying out the Dominican migratory laws and to worry about investing in the border areas that are characterized by being very depressed and lacking in production and employment facilities.”

Likewise, the president of the National Council of Private Enterprise (CONEP), Pedro Brache, favored the decision taken by the president and described it as ”a well-considered step”.

Reality check

It is evident that the UN Global Migration Pact contains aspects that violate the national interests of the countries that did not sign it.
If we concentrate on offering an explanation about this rejection, we see clearly that these countries are exposed, in one way or another, to the pressure of migrations at their borders.

The case of the Dominican Republic can be explained on the basis of the previous article on the fears of the population towards the slow but steady advance of Haitian nationals within the country, starting decisively along the borders.

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