Sutton Grammar School. Lower school pupils. Photo by: Grempletonian.

Britain’s Grammar Schools Exclude Struggling Students to Maintain Their League Table Position

London, UK (ViaNews) – Highly selective schools are failing to take responsibility when pupils fail to meet their potential by excluding them from A level courses. Some of Britain’s Grammar Schools are coming under fire for removing pupils from exam studies when their progress indicates that they may not attain grades considered appropriate for a…

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Uruguay: Self-sustainable school.

A Model to follow: First Self-Sustainable School of Latin America

Montevideo, Uruguay (VIAnews) – What if someone had already figured out a way of building completely self-sufficient houses? Apparently, someone already did. Michael Reynolds is a 72-year-old architect who grew up in Kentucky, USA. He has written several books on sustainable housing, founded the world-class Sustainable Buildings company “Earthship Biotecture”, and is the drafter of…

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Boys British School, Saffron Walden Independent Schools Association, Boys’ British School, East Street, Saffron Walden, Essex. Photo by: Janine forbes.

OFSTED Chief Promotes ‘British Values’ in Schools to Help Fight Extremism

London, UK (VIAnews) – OFSTED chief Amanda Spielman feels that schools are paying lip service to the teaching of British values, rather than making sufficient commitment to inculcate these beliefs into young people. British ‘values’ of religious tolerance, democracy, individuality and the rule of law have to be explicitly taught in the school curriculum. Speaking…

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