Khaleel Mustafa and Omer Azizi in their German language class. Photo by: Daniyal Daud.

EU Migrant Crisis: Migrants Rejoice Over What Europe Has Done for Them

KOBLENZ, Germany (ViaNews) – Once again, the migrant crisis is making headlines around the world with Immigrants crossing the United States’ border and migrants entering Europe. In Europe, the migrant crisis has brought up an anti-immigrant attitude which has resulted in the rise of the political far-right popularity in some countries. The European migrant crisis…

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NGO Sign of Hope shows, based on scientific research and analysis, that the oil industry in the state of Unity (South Sudan) pollutes the drinking water and people are poisoned with heavy metals. Photo by: Sign of Hope.

German NGO Struggle for Clean Water in South Sudan

MUNICH, Germany (ViaNews) – VENRO, a group of 120 Germany-based NGOs providing humanitarian and development assistance around the world, produced a report entitled “Uncomfortable partners – from confrontation to cooperation: NGO’S strategies for dealing with companies”. This is an important report because it covers – in-depth – a key subject: how NGOs – the brave…

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Serbian entrepreneur Pavle Krivokuca. Photo by: Pavle Krivokuca Official Youtube account.

“Events Bring Coworking Customers,” says Impact Hub Belgrade representative

BELGRADE, Serbia (ViaNews) – Young entrepreneurs in Serbia, although full of ideas and enthusiasm face many of the challenges shared by other Europeans. Among those challenges are initial funding, risk aversion, high initial costs, market uncertainty, and today’s fast-paced market changes. Coworking spaces are offices which share equipment, ideas, knowledge, and promise to deliver solutions…

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