Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

Shared Mobility Poised to Make a Comeback After COVID-19

The shared mobility industry has very quickly lost both passengers and profits as a result of the coronavirus outbreak but it can make a strong comeback with the right strategies, says McKinsey & Company.   “Consumers are indeed wary of shared mobility, given the risk of viral infection, and mobility-service providers (MSPs) must take decisive…

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Photo by Science in HD on Unsplash

Ending COVID-19 Lockdowns Not Enough for Economic Rebound: Report

Lifting coronavirus lockdown restrictions may not by itself be sufficient to restore confidence or growth and economic recovery will start only when the pandemic is under control, according to McKinsey & Company. “The evidence heavily suggests that a multifaceted public-health response that goes well beyond a simple transient lockdown is a necessary first step to…

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Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

10 Cross-Industry Trends Being Escalated by COVID-19

Some trends looked years away from the mainstream before the COVID-19 pandemic but are now suddenly seeing accelerated mass adoption. Analysis by TrendWatching—a consumer trend-watching firm—shows that the following 10 emerging consumer trends offer powerful early signals of what people will value and their priorities in a post-coronavirus world.   1- Virtual Experience Economy The…

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Photo by Marcin Kempa on Unsplash

Six Imperatives to Thrive in Asia-Pacific’s Retail Future

Asia-Pacific will remain the retail industry’s growth engine in the post-corona world. Retailers need to prioritize action in several key areas if they want to gain a sustainable edge over rivals, analysts from consulting firm Bain said in a recent report. According to the report titled “The Future of Retail in Asia-Pacific: How to Thrive…

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Photo by Robynne Hu on Unsplash

These 3 Nascent Macro Technology Forces Will Drive Transformational Change

Ambient experience, exponential intelligence, and quantum are three technologies that are waiting in the wings and will likely become macro forces toward the end of the 2020s, according to Global accounting and consulting firm Deloitte. “Like cloud technologies before them, they will evolve over time and perhaps cross-pollinate with other forces to create something wholly…

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Photo source: Web Summit

What Will Web Summit 2020 Look Like?

Last year around this time, tech enthusiasts were preparing themselves to travel to Lisbon to attend Web Summit—one of the largest annual gatherings of entrepreneurs and investors in the world. But much has changed since last year. The world has turned almost upside down by a virus that is responsible for an unprecedented pandemic with…

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Photo by James Yarema on Unsplash

Short-Time Work: A Beacon of Hope Amid COVID-19 Layoffs

Short-time work policies hold the promise of helping countries combat the economic crisis caused by COVID-19 if they are aided by high uptake, generous wage replacement, incentives, and higher flexibility, says an economist. Michael Wolf from the Deloitte Global Economist Network cites short-time work—sometimes called a work-sharing program—as a policy that has gained considerable popularity…

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Less known Influencers. Photo by Matheus Ferrero.

COVID-19 Has Caused a Pivot to Smaller Influencers

The coronavirus pandemic has caused a pivot toward smaller influencers as they seem to be offering more value considering budget limitations, according to a recent study. Socialbakers’ State of Influencer Marketing Report shows that about 40% of all brand cooperations over the last 16 months were with small influencers who have 10 to 50k followers….

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