Less known Influencers. Photo by Matheus Ferrero.

COVID-19 Has Caused a Pivot to Smaller Influencers

The coronavirus pandemic has caused a pivot toward smaller influencers as they seem to be offering more value considering budget limitations, according to a recent study. Socialbakers’ State of Influencer Marketing Report shows that about 40% of all brand cooperations over the last 16 months were with small influencers who have 10 to 50k followers….

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Photo by Franck V. on Unsplash

How to Keep an Edge in the Era of Pervasive AI?

AI adopters should be proactive in implementing certain measures if they want to gain or maintain an advantage over their industry peers as the disruptive technology becomes mainstream, according to global accounting firm Deloitte. In the 3rd edition of its State of AI in the Enterprise report, Deloitte says there are three things that both…

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Photo by dole777 on Unsplash

Surge in Live Videos and Other Social Media Trends Emerging From COVID-19

The tumultuous Q2 of 2020 saw a surge in video usage and live streaming as well as an increase in ad spend in many regions and industries worldwide, according to a study by a global AI-powered social media marketing company. “On the organic marketing side, video usage surged on Twitter and Facebook Live usage increased…

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David Nicol Williams, co-founder, chairman and CEO of NomadX (Photo credit: Via News)

10x Increase in Digital Nomads Expected: NomadX CEO

The coronavirus pandemic is expected to lead to a 10x increase in digital nomads in the next two to three years and Portugal seems to have maintained its appeal for location-independent professionals, says an industry expert. “We’re expecting like a really big influx, but it’s not happening quite yet,” David Nicol Williams, co-founder, chairman, and…

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Elena Jin, TAIGER's marketing manager for Latin America and Europe (Photo credit: TAIGER)

COVID-19: A Pivotal Moment for Future of AI

The coronavirus pandemic is accelerating the need for artificial intelligence solutions as the technology can help businesses run more nimbly and reliably, says a marketing manager at TAIGER, one of Asia’s fastest-growing AI companies. “Big companies are realizing that AI technologies can make them more flexible to adapt better to changes like the ones brought…

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Pedro Oliveira, co-founder of Landing.Jobs says coworking spaces need to operate from more distributed locations. (Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash)

COVID-19 Raises Need for More Distributed Coworking Spaces: Landing.Jobs Co-Founder

Telework and working in distributed teams are becoming a standard for many companies due to COVID-19 and may become even more commonplace after the pandemic passes. The new reality of the world has upended the status quo for lots of players in the remote work industry, including coworking spaces, and they have to reinvent themselves…

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Pedro Oliveira, co-founder of Landing.jobs (Photo by Via News)

Distributed Teams Feasible, Need to Invest in Upskilling Low-Skilled Workers

The COVID-19 experience, which forced teams worldwide to work from home, proved that having distributed teams involving high-skilled workers is totally feasible, says an entrepreneur. In an interview with Via News, Pedro Oliveira, co-founder of Landing.jobs, also said the parties concerned, including governments, have to invest more in reskilling and upskilling low-skilled workers to help…

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